A revista Brazilian Journalism Research acaba de publicar novo número com a temática "Journalism in Brazil and Africa: Cross-influences".
Brazilian Journalism Research
v. 13, n. 3: (December 2017): Journalism in Brazil and Africa:
Cross-influences, Developments, and Perspectives
Sumário/Table of Contents
Table of Contents (1-3)
Introduction (4-7)
Claudia Lago, Sonia Virgínia Moreira, Fábio Henrique Pereira
SPECIAL ISSUE / EDIÇÃO ESPECIAL: Journalism in Brazil and Africa
Introduction to the Special Issue: Journalism in Brazil and Africa:
Cross-influences, Developments, and Perspectives (8-11)
Marie-Soleil Frère, Antonio Carlos Hohlfeldt, Viola Milton, Susana Salgado
News Circulation in the Portuguese-Speaking Space: News Exchange between
News Agencies of Brazil and Lusophone Africa (12-35)
Juliana Costa Lisboa, Pedro Aguiar
Journalism and the Tale of the Other: The Invisibility of Lusophones in
Brazil and the Identity Erasure Between Us (36-59)
José Cristian Góes, Elton Antunes
Influencing the Message: The Role of Media Ownership on the Press Coverage
of the 2015 Presidential Electoral Campaign in Nigeria (60-85)
Fatima Iyabo Abubakre
Gender and Media: An Autopsy of Women’s Journalism in Burkina Faso
Lassané Yameogo
Course of Recognition: A Theoretical and Methodological Approach to
Understanding Journalism as a Subject in Communication. (104-125)
André Bonsanto Dias
Portugal Democrático: An Exiles’ Newspaper (126-145)
Isabel Travancas
Brazil in Spain: Agenda-setting in the Newspaper El País during President
Lula da Silva’s Second Government Term (146-161)
Derval Gomes Golzio
Police Case or Public Health Issue? Printed Journalism Frames on Crack Use
in São Paulo (162-187)
Giulia Sbaraini Fontes, Paulo Ferracioli
Do Undergraduate Journalism Students Tend to Write Report-Books on Human
Rights? (188-213)
Marcos Antônio Zibordi
Toward a Definition of International Literary Journalism (214-239)
John S. Bak